I saw the covered pumpkins. when I was at Target recently. I could not resist purchasing four of them, to be used as covered soup bowls.
I made the floral arrangement several years ago. It's been moved around the house, several times. The leaves on the small plate are two of the preserved leaves we'll use on wedding reception tables.
I enjoy mixing and matching pieces, when putting together tablesettings.
My friend Maureen, Penchants, Ponderings and Posies, has done a lovely post about Fleur de Lis. I believe you will enjoy visiting.
****************THE WINNER!!!****************
The random number calculator chose #16. The 16th person commenting on my 100th post was, Melissa of The Inspired Room! Congratulations, Melissa! Please e-mail me with your info at: pat72543@yahoo.comEDITED TO ANNOUNCE WINNER 10/27/07
****************THE WINNER!!!****************
Thanks to all for coming by the back porch these 100 posts. I hope you return often!
Have a wonderful weekend.