Soft and glad the music swells,
Gaily in the night wind stealing,
Sweetly sound the wedding bells.
~Eliza Cook~

We are renting the arch, pictured at left. We will remove the ivy and white floral arrangement and replace them with fall leaf garlands. Yesterday, I completed the top piece, pictured above. We plan to decorate the arch, the Wednesday before the wedding, at my daughter's home.
Pedestals, holding live green plants, will be placed on either side of the arch.
I'm making many new lists, in hopes I don't forget a single detail!

The park, where the venue is located, was once a farm. The owners bequeathed the property, to the county, to be used as a park. As you can see, it's a lovely place.
The late Autumn view in this shot is the view we'll have, the day of the wedding. It looks down toward the gazebo, shown in the photo collage above, and a lake.
The groom has a plan to attach clear lights along the rails, which extend across the front of the building.
Tomorrow, I'm accompanying the Bride and Bridesmaid, when they have wedding day make up and hairsyle "rehearsal". Of course, I'll have a camera.
Soon, I'll tell you about the Officiant and the Musician and other happy plans, for this special day!
Soon, I'll tell you about the Officiant and the Musician and other happy plans, for this special day!
Have a wonderful weekend!