This morning, we visited the Library. J found a couple of landscaping books, he liked and I brought home John Jakes' Charleston. I absolutely love that city. Another book, I checked out, is Dictionary of Missouri Historic Places. I'll be looking for places, to make note of, for future day trips.
Speaking of historic places; Woods Fort is located on Main Street in our town. The marker is pictured below, followed by a photo of the Woods Fort cabin.
The following photos show some of our favorite homes, around town.
We drove through the park, where we saw these fellows.
We decided we needed something different in the berm at the edge of our front yard. We found what we were looking for, Home Run Roses, at the nursery, just outside of town. Home Run Roses are similar to Knock Out Roses, with the same growing habit. I'll post photos, when they bloom. We saw these water features at the nursery, also.
Update photos of the patio Hosta garden.
Above, the garden beside the dining room windows. Below is a photo of the column/pedestal we're using on the front porch, this year. The porch faces west which makes it difficult to find plants that will survive there. We were told Portulaca will do well.
Several readers have asked what camera I use. I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTI. I'm still learning about this camera and having fun during the process. Before this camera I used a Kodak P850, which was a very nice camera, for point and shoot photography. I dropped that camera while visiting Mary Carol Garrity's Nell Hill's, in Atchison Kansas, last year.