
Our Patio Hosta Garden

The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.
~Hanna Rion~
The hosta above is in the spotlight, because it's our largest hosta.
We've been told this is Hosta Frances Williams. This is the third year for Frances Williams. It was about a foot above ground, when we had freezing temperatures a few weeks ago. We kept all the hosta and other plants covered. We lost some, others are beginning to show green. The most spectacular plants in our gardens, at the moment, are our hostas. The photo to the left was taken with my sandal to show size comparison.

This garden is next to the patio. It seems the hosta like this location. The area gets morning sun, only. We have several Blue Cadet hosta in a narrow bed under the hearth room windows, also on the east side. They were slightly damaged by the low temperatures, but are coming around. We believe they'll do fine.
We've divided some of the hosta plants. These were planted, last year, at the side of the house, next to a perennial bed. I hope to have photos of that area and other gardens, soon.
Our spring has been fickle, this year. Some of our plants are a bit behind.