This morning, we awoke to the sharp cracking and popping sounds of tree limbs, along the creek, breaking from ice. Freezing rain began sometime after midnight. The first photograph; our side garden under ice. It continues to rain. The prediction is for freezing rain through Tuesday.

At right, the Christmas tree sitting on our back porch.
One year ago today, the sun was shining and snow was on the ground.

Looking toward the corner berm, in our front yard and beyond to a line of trees along the creek.

Trees along the creek at the back of our home. We've heard the ice is worse to the west of us; the Lake area, Jefferson City, Columbia, all across Missouri. At the moment, in our area, there is about 1/2 an inch accumulation, with the temperature around 30F.
Friday evening our small town celebrated Night of 1000 Stars. The weather was rainy, but the temperatures were above freezing, so we went to Main Street to see what we could see.
We visited with friends and shopkeepers, we haven't seen in awhile. I took a few photos during our stroll.

The four photos above, were taken inside our neighbor Laura's shop. Home accessories and original work by local artists can be found here.

These photos show the windows at a hardware store, on Main Street, that has been in the same family since the 19th century. The store looks much the same as it did over 100 years ago. All sorts of home repair items are found here. Also found in this interesting store are, Victorian Christmas trees, tapestries, cards, porcelain dolls and beautiful Nativity sets, among other things.

A look at one corner of Main Street, luminaries lining the sidewalk.


The annual Garden Club Holiday Home Tour is scheduled for today. The home of a friend, here in our subdivision, is one of those featured on the tour. We haven't decided whether to venture out. We would love to see the homes and church on the tour, all done up for Christmas.
On the other hand, staying home, sitting beside the fireplace and addressing cards sounds pretty good, too!
Edit: I came back to edit a couple things. As I was working on this, we lost power for a bit. Last year, during the storms we didn't lose power. We also just lost a tree limb along the creek. J went to town for birdseed and other necessary things.....like M&Ms!!