A little rain was certainly not going to keep me from welcoming home my camera.
Tuesday was another rainy day, in Missouri, as I traipsed around taking photos of this tree and that leaf. I missed the ol’ girl, so much!
I’m a tad behind in visiting. I participated in Mosaic Monday, thinking I would be able to travel around the land of blog. Instead, J and I spent 8 hours in our car, Monday. I said to him, we could have really gone somewhere in that amount of time and he said, we did!
We left the lake at about 9:15 Monday morning, arrived home in the normal amount of time, unloaded the car and left for St Peters, Missouri, where the Canon awaited us, at Best Buy!
As long as we were “in town”, I stopped by JoAnn Fabric, where I purchased a fairly large amount of burlap. I have a tablescape idea swimming around in my head! I will use a portion of the fabric to cover a couple of chair seats, for the master makeover. More on these projects later.
We arrived home at about 5:30 Monday evening and started out in the car, again, Tuesday morning. We were just going to run a few errands. One of those errands was a trip to a plumbing supply in a small town just south of here. When we arrived, we discovered the business had moved even farther south! So on we went.
As long as we were out we decided to run even more errands than we had planned. We arrived back home at about 2:30 PM.
I’m ready to put my feet up, for a couple of days, and blog browse! I’ll be around to see you, over the next few days.
Meanwhile, here are a few examples of the beautiful Fall color in our neck of the woods.
Asters beside our driveway~
Saint Theodore Catholic Church, Flint Hill, Missouri.
Be sure to stop by Susan’s A Southern Daydreamer, for beautiful Outdoor Wednesday.
I learned, recently, a friend’s home is to be on the local Christmas Home Tour. I am so excited and eagerly await seeing her home on the tour. Of course, J and I won’t be doing as much this year, as we did the year our home was on the tour. In fact, we had just discussed downsizing the Christmas decor, when I spotted these two publications! Well, of course, I had to bring them home. Especially the Southern Accents Holiday issue. Who knows if we will ever see another!
As I paged through the magazines, I saw lots and lots of inspiration! Perhaps a small tree in the living room. I can’t forget the dining room tree. Naturally, we have to have a big tree in the hearth room for the kiddo’s and on and on and on…….