In 2009…
There were 173 posts published, at Back Porch Musings, during 2009.
My 400th post was published during the year.
During Back Porch Musings’ first year, beginning in March 2007, 128 posts were published.
I’m surprised I had as many posts as I did, in 2009, since my plan was to spend less time on the computer.
The mosaics, I’ve added to this post, are made of some of the images seen on the Back Porch, during last year.
I hope to continue Back Porch Musings, through 2010. We’ll see how things go, along the way.
Thanks to those of you who knew me before Back Porch Musings and to others I’ve met since beginning this little journal. Thank you for continuing to visit and keep in touch. Your support and loyalty are very much appreciated.
Thank you Mary, of Dear Little Red House, for being a very gracious hostess each Mosaic Monday.
During 2010, I will continue presenting my own photography, within posts. If I use images belonging to others, I will make note of it. I don’t anticipate using work, other than my own.
Due to recent events I’ve chosen to disable anonymous comments. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.