
~Coincidentally Speaking~

Just a Quick Note

I’ll return tomorrow with a regular post.

This quick note concerns a small world story, I could not wait to tell.


I mentioned buying the new fireplace gate at Apple Wagon Antiques, when I wrote about the gate in my Tuesday post.  When I was checking my e-mail yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find a message from Kelly and the Apple Wagon Family. 

While planning a trip to an antique show, in Ohio, Kelly clicked on the show’s website blog.  While looking through the followers, she recognized a Missourian, she knows, in the antique business.  When she clicked that follower, she saw listed in blogs she follows, Back Porch Musings.  Kelly said she liked the name and clicked to see what BPM was like.  She was reading through my fireplace gate story, when she saw Apple Wagon Antiques mentioned.  This was her first visit to Back Porch Musings.  She thanked me for the mention and told me she enjoyed visiting Back Porch Musings and looks forward to new posts.

I thought it a wonderful coincidence that Kelly just happened to visit the show site, click on a follower and in a round about way, find Back Porch Musings, that just happened to have a post, mentioning her shop, on that particular day.

Isn’t it a small world, after all!

Thank you Kelly, for your sweet e-mail.  J and I always enjoy stopping at Apple Wagon Antiques.

J and I are not compensated for mentioning businesses, here at the Back Porch. We both enjoy our day trips and I love writing about our stops along the way.